
Simple and complicated girl who is still creating her own happiness, living in her purpose, chasing her dreams, building her future, finding her love story, called Ulen
i love to be positive person and i love myself :D
i'm quite stubborn or so stubborn, to pursue what i want in my life. I listen to opinions where in the end the decision is still mine. 
Most of the time, i against mainstream flow and here i am, not survive.
i have this tendency to fall into mistakes, cry over, dwell with, and move on;
no matter how hard it does, no matter how long it takes, nothing is impossible

Writing is one of my therapy session, to stop me thinking too much, keep me going and feel normal facing daily challenges a.k.a problems.
i feel happy while i write.
Release all past experiences that i often can't and-or don't want to forget, in written memories, rather than drag it along in my limited brain.
My goddest way to let it go as memories, yet still know where to find it. My little secret ;)

Happy, optimistic, amazed, shy, grateful, love, dream, broken-heart, unclear mind, stumble, down, lose hope, crazy, bitchy, pesimistic, cry, sad, upset, angry, hate, etc etc etc  emotions all poured together here.
Personally this is my life bible to reconnect and rebalance with past me, present me and future me.
Laugh over old posts, over my stupidity-my mistakes-my lesson, learnt 
Amaze with how tough, brave, optimistic, confident i could and can be
Realize how i'm growing each time by each proccess behind
Remind me to keep fighting on my goals whenever i feel like giving up
"Anything will taste sweeter after we tasted bitter one..
Just keep tasting"
Whatever season happening now, remember
- be yourself
   others judgment won't shape who we truly are unless we let them to
- choose happiness, prior YOURS
   happy-ing urself first therefore u happy-ing others
- life always has choices
   "accept it or change it or leave it"
- never feel alone
   as it never will. u'll always have u, within u, to be with u

Happy reading, xoxo, Ulen